Rabu, 25 September 2019

Bagaimana Cara Mempersiapkan Wawancara Kerja Baik Online Maupun Offline?

Nama               : Feby Anggun Nuralif
Kelas               : 4EB07
Mata Kuliah    : Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia #

Studi Kasus : Bahasa dalam Wawancara Kerja

Istilah wawancara sering dikenal sebagai sebuah percakapan yang dilakukan oleh dua orang atau lebih yang berisi pertanyaan dari pihak pewawancara, pertanyaan yang diajukan pihak pewawancara merupakan apa yang tertera dalam surat lamaran atau pengalaman pekerja yang di tulis oleh pelamar, sehingga apa yang di tulis oleh pelamar merupakan tulisan yang jujur mengingat wawancara itu merupakan bentuk pembuktian atau klarifikasi dari apa yang tertulis dalam surat lamaran kerja.

  • Persiapan menghadapi wawancara kerja online
            Proses recuitment di era ini banyak perusahaan  melakukan wawancara jarak jauh melalui online dengan para kandidat yang berada di luar kota atau bahkan negara lain. Selain lebih menghemat waktu dan biaya, cara ini juga digunakan untuk menjaring lebih banyak kandidat dari berbagai daerah.
Tips yang persiapkan jika ingin melakukan wawancara kerja online:
1.      Kestabilan Koneksi Internet dan Peralatan Yang Memadai.
Pastikan bahwa jaringan memadai untuk mencegah ganguan teknis komunikasi, untuk kesan yang profesionalitas gunakan aplikasi pendukung video call dan peralatan pendukung seperti speaker ataupun headset.
2.      Lokasi yang Tepat.
Pilihlah tempat yang mendukung, memiliki background  untuk wawancara yang bagus dengan pencahayaan yang memadai dan hindari keramaian restoran atau kafe karena asumsinya akan ada banyak gangguan yang berpotensi mengalihkan perhatian dan menghambat proses wawancara.
3.      Busana yang Formal.
perhatikan penampilan dengan mengenakan busana formal yang mencerminkan seorang pekerja
4.      Melihat Kearah Kamera Bukan Monitor.
Saat wawancara berlangsung fokuslah ke kamera bukan monitor, posisikan kamera agar wajah nantinya dapat terlihat jelas, usahakan agar pihak pewawancara dapat melihat  setengah badan ataupun sebatas siku dan duduk dengan tenang dan tegak, tapi jangan sampai terlalu dekat.
5.      Buat Rencana Lain jika Koneksi Terputus.
Tidak bisa diprediksi kapan wawancara terputus, akan tetapi pelamar bisa membuat rencana lain saat koneksi terputus,  rencana lain yang bisa dilakukan adalah mencatat nomor telepon pewawancara baik nomor pribadi atau nomor kantor beserta alamat email dan bila yang berinisiatif seperti itu, mereka akan melihat bahwa pelamar sebagai pribadi yang kreatif dan juga pantang menyerah.
6.      Lakukan Persiapan dengan Matang.
interview bisa sukses adalah dengan berlatih terlebih dahulu, cara berlatih yang mudah bisa meminta bantuan teman untuk menjadi lawan bicara atau pihak yang akan mewancarai.
Biasanya interview online tersebut menggunakan aplikasi skype, pelajari hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan perusahaan dan posisi yang akan dilamar dan tunjukkan semangat dan sisi positif kepada pihak pewawancara.

  •        Persiapan menghadapi wawancara kerja offline.
            Wawancara ini biasanya dilakukan oleh pihak perusahaan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar potensi dan juga kemampuan dari pelamar pekerjaan atau calon karyawan, tujuan wawancara mencakup banyak hal, mulai dari untuk menggali keterampilan, mengetahui bagaimana motivasi kerja, dan juga untuk menyesuaikan etika kerja dengan standarisasi yang ada di perusahaan pewawancara, yang nantinya hasil dari wawancara akan menentukan hasil pelamar pekerjaan atau calon karyawan apakah bisa diterima atau tidak.

            Masalah yang biasanya terjadi adalah kurangnya percaya diri ataupun gugup, maka untuk menghindari masalah buruk seperti itu perlunya dilakukan persiapan sebelum memulai wawancara. 
Tips yang persiapkan jika ingin melakukan wawancara kerja offline:
1.      Berlatih Menjawab Pertanyaan.
Hal yang paling dasar dalam menghadapi wawancara, agar wawancara berjalan dengan baik maka buat daftar pertanyaan-pertanyaan umum yang cenderung diberikan pada saat wawancara kerja dapat membantu dalam  memberikan jawaban yang lebih tepat. Siapkan pertanyaan dan jawaban yang menurut anda (bayangkan diri sendiri sebagai direksi perusahaan) sesuai. Kematangan dan kesiapan dalam menghadapi pertanyaan interview ini tentu akan mempengaruhi segala aspek, mulai dari kepercayaan diri hingga keluwesan dalam menjawab.
2.      Berlatih Memperkenalkan Diri.
Point utama yang harus diperhatikan oleh semua orang yang akan melakukan wawancara kerja, apabila dalam memperkenalkan diri terlihat percaya diri dan tidak ragu, maka pewawancara akan tertarik untuk terus menggali lebih dalam tentang kemampuan dari  pelamar.  Namun, apabila pelamar memperkenalkan diri dengan ragu dan tidak percaya diri, maka sudah jelas, pihak pewawancara akan merasa bosan dan tidak tertarik lagi untuk menggali lebih dalam.
Oleh karena itu, melatih kemampuan untuk memperkenalkan diri sendiri tentu menjadi hal yang sangat penting untuk dilakukan.
Cara yang paling sederhana adalah dengan mempraktekannya di depan cermin, dengan melihat diri sendiri berbicara dan memperkenalkan diri dicermin, melihat dan mengoreksi gerak-gerik dan tatapan mata yang kurang.
3.      Pahami Posisi yang Hendak Dilamar.
Memahami posisi yang hendak di lamar sesuai tidak dengan apa yang pelamar kuasai, memahami posisi yang hendak di lamar berpengaruh pada ketertarikan pewawancara yang berpengaruh pada keberhasilan interview. Perusahaan sangat tertarik dengan  calon karyawan yang paham akan posisinya.  Secara otomatis, ini memahami posisi yang hendak dilamar tentu menjadi kunci utama yang harus dipersiapkan sebelum memulai interview.
4.      Penampilan yang Terbaik.
Sebelum melakukan wawancara, pilihlah pakaian yang bersih dan rapi. Selain itu, rapikan penampilan seperti memotong rambut, mencukur jenggot dan kumis, bagi perempuan dapat menata rambut dan menggunakan make up sederhana.
5.      Memperhatikan Waktu.
Hal terpenting yang harus diperhatikan dan dipersiapkan sebelum memulai interview tentu adalah waktu, jangan sekali-kali meremehkan waktu meskipun itu hanya satu menit.
Biasanya, interview kerja itu menerapkan kedisiplinan yang tinggi mengingat hal itu akan diterapkan di perusahaan nantinya.
6.    Terakhir, Jangan Lupa Berjabat Tangan dan Ucapkan Terima Kasih.
Setelah proses wawancara selesai, jangan langsung pergi begitu saja, untuk memberikan kesan yang baik pastikan berjabat tangan dengan pewawancara dan jangan lupa mengucapkan terima kasih.
Jika mempunyai kepercayaan diri lebih, dapat menambahkan mengucapkan harapan-harapan singkat sembari bersalaman. Misalnya, “Saya sangat berharap bisa bergabung di perusahaan ini”, atau kalimat lainnya.


Minggu, 16 Juni 2019


Anggota kelompok :
1. Chintia Devi Gailea  21216138
2. Dina Agusti Astriani  22216069
3. Feby Anggun Nuralif  22216763
4. Ismayagita Cipta Rifinaya 23216616
5. Syahfita Nurulita Wael  27216229

The word "antecedent" means something that precedes something else. In language, it is the word that a pronoun refers back to. Since the pronoun replaces the noun, it has to agree in number. So, if the antecedent, or word that comes before, is singular, then the pronoun that takes its place must also be singular. It can be confusing if there are several words between the pronoun and its antecedent. These words or clauses have no bearing on the words and they need to be ignored. Following are some special situations with examples of the correct way to have pronoun antecedent agreement.
  1. Compound subjects can be a problem. If the subjects are joined by an "and" then the pronoun needs to be plural, as in "Christina and Joey took their books. If the subjects are joined by "or" or "nor", then have the pronoun agree with the subject that is closer, or closest, to the pronoun. An example is "Either the actor or the singers messed up their performance.
  2. If the pronoun is referring to one thing or a unit, like a team or a jury, then the pronoun needs to be singular. An example is: "The jury has reached its verdict." Sometimes words sound plural and are not, like measles or the news. These would need a singular pronoun, as in: "Measles is not as widespread as it once was." This makes sense if you replace the word "measles" with "disease."

There are several rules concerning the use of indefinite pronouns as antecedents and the pronoun antecedent agreement. The following indefinite pronouns are singular and need a singular pronoun: one, no one, some one, everyone, anyone, nobody, anybody, somebody, everybody, nothing, anything, something, everything, each, either, neither. An example is "Everything here has its own box."
The plural indefinite pronouns: several, both, few, and many, need to have a plural pronoun, like in this sentence: "Several are there because of their looks."
Lastly, if there is an indefinite pronoun that is being modified by a prepositional phrase, then the object of the phrase will determine the agreement between the pronoun and its antecedent. These special indefinite pronouns are: some, most, all, any, or none. Look at these two sentences: "Most of the flour fell out of its canister" and "Many of the gems have lost their shine". If the object, like "flour" is uncountable, then the pronoun has to be singular (its). If the object is countable, like "gems", then the pronoun needs to be plural (their).

The examples of antecedents pronouns:
  1. A man who follow my account is my ex boyfriend (antecendent: A man, My ex boyfriend)
  2. I buy a new book and bring it to the campus (antecendent: A new book, It)
  3. I don’t like this song , it is so bad (antecendent: This song, It)

Modifiers are words, phrases, or clauses that add description. In clear, logical sentences, It is often found right next to-either in front of or behind-the target words they logically describe.
Dangling modifiers are errors. Their poor construction confuses readers

Dangling construction example:
  • Hungry, the leftover pizza was devoured.
  • Hungry is a single-word adjective Notce that there s no one in the sentence for this modifier to describe. 
  • Fixing a dangling modifer will require more than raarrarging the words in the santence something nowis ofen noed to be addad so that the modiien inally has a target wcrd to describe. 
  • Hungry, we devoured the leftover pizza.

  • While running, my shoe lost its heel. (I couldn't slow that shoe down!) 
  • To avoid extinction, researchers hope to breed in captivity 
  • After taking a three-month bicycle trip through Montana, my dog was happy to see me.
  • After reading the book, the movie is going to be great.
  • Wrapped in wax paper, the picnickers couldn't see if the sandwiches were tuna or egg salad.
  • Rolling down the hill, Larry saw an avalance of rocks approaching

Minggu, 21 April 2019

Business Conversation

Kelompok :

1. Chintia Devi Gailea 21216138
2. Dina Agusti Astriani 22216069
3. Feby Anggun Nuralif 22216763
4. Ismayagita Cipta Rifinaya 23216616
5. Syahfita Nurulita Wael 27216229

Chintya : Good Morning Miss
Ita : Good morning. What can I do for you miss?
Chintya : I need to wash all of my clothes here.
Ita :  Ok miss. Here the cost washing clothes is Rp. 6.000 per kilos.
Chintya : How long that will finish?
Ita : It takes three days.
Chintya : Oh ok that’s good.
Ita : Can you give your clothes please, I will weight them.
Chintya :  Sure, here it is miss.
Ita : The total of your clothes are 2 kilos. So you have to pay Rp. 12.000
Chintya : Ok miss, here is the money.
Ita : Ok Thank you
Chintya : Is there any delivery service in this laundry?
Ita : Yes, there is also delivery service here. The cost is Rp. 10.000 if you live around Depok city and you only have to pay Rp. 5.000 if you live in Kelapa Dua.
Chintya : Oh that’s a good offer. I live in Kelapa Dua beside Lawson and this is Rp. 5.000 for the delivery payment.
Ita : Ok your clothes will be delivered at 4 pm. Thank you very much and have a nice day.
Chintya : Yeah, your welcome


Chintya : Excuse me.
Ita : Hello, what can I do for you miss?
Chintya : I washed my clothes here three days ago but some of my clothes were broken and my scarf was gone.
Ita : May I know the details of your broken clothesand the missing scraf?
Chintya : There is burned hole on the sleeve of my blouse and get faded on my white t-shirt. I also my mustard scarf.
Ita : Oh I am sorry to hear that. I will ask my staff about this first.
Ita : Hey come here please I need to talk to you guys.
Naya : Yes, what happened?
Ita : one of our customer complaining about our servicess some of her clothes was broken and her mustard scarf was gone. Did you guys make a mistake?
Feby : Yesterday, I was ironing her blouse then I got a call, when I came back I’m shocked because her blouse already got a burned hole. I didn’t realize If I hadn’t moved the iron. I’m very sorry for my negligence.
Naya : I did mistake yesterday, I’m not focus on my work until I don’t realize if I put a wrong t-shift color in washing machine. I’m so sorry because of my bad work.
Dina : I’m sorry miss I think I made a mistake by packing the scarfon another customer’s clothes.
Ita : Hmm… you guys made  a big mistakes. I will give you a chance but if you make a mistake again I might fire you. I hope you guys wont do the same mistakes anymore.
Feby, Naya 
& Dina :  Thank you miss
Ita : I’ve asked my staff about this problem and we sincerely apologize for our negligence.
Chintya : I don’t care whether all of you make a mistake or not. I just want you to be responsible for the losses that I get.
Ita : ok miss, what if I giving same money worth the priceof those clotes and I will return your laundry money ?
Chintya : hmm ok, I accept it. The price of an the clotehs is Rp 200.000
Ita : ok this is Rp 217.000 for your losses, laundry and delivery service.
Chintya : ok, thank you but sorry I have to go now.
Ita : ok miss, once again we apologize for the mistakes that we made. Have a nice day.
Chintya : its ok, have a nice day.

Commonly misused words:
1. Here
2. Hear
3. Then
4. Whether
5. Accept
Confusing related words 
1. Good
2. Hope
3. Might
4. May
Prepositions :
1. around
2. At
3. On
4. Of
5. To
6. About
7. Until
8. By
9. Beside

Minggu, 24 Maret 2019


"Million Dollar Dream" was an inspirational and motivational book titles written by Merry Riana a successful woman entrepreneur at a young age she also a Speaker, Trainer and Motivator Women become # 1 in Asia. Merry Riana who became one of her most successful Entrepreneur and motivators come from Indonesia, she was born on May 29, 1980 in Jakarta.
Her was the eldest of three brothers Merry journey begins in Singapore during riots in Jakarta in 1998. Ideals to lecture in the Department of Electrical Engineering from Trisakti University were dashed because of the incident.(1) Merry's father decided to send their children to study abroad and Singapore when it is an option that makes the most sense because it is relatively close, safe environment and a good education system.
Merry began studying in college with a major in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in 1998.(2)
Her goal was probably because she wanted to help his father in running the business. Without adequate preparation for study road, Merry had failed the English test at the Nanyang Technological University.(3) Without adequate preparation of stock funds anyway, Merry borrow funds from the Government of Singapore. Her borrowed money from the Bank of Singapore Government scholarships of $ 40,000 and must be repaid after he graduated from college and work. Life is very alarming is encouraged to seek outside income. From start distributing pamphlets / flyers on the street, a flower shop keepers, and a waitress in the hotel Banquet.
When her realized his life did not change even after entering the second year of college, Merry began building a dream.
"I made a resolution when the 20th anniversary. I have to have the financial freedom before the age of 30. In other words, it should be a successful person. The Lowest point in my life makes me want to fulfill that dream, "said Merry.
Because no educational background and business experience, Merry gather information by attending various seminars and engage in student organizations related to the business world.(4)
Her tried a variety of business opportunities.  Marry tried luck with the thesis-making business, MLM business, try to play the stock(5), which all ended in failure. Merry also try to practice with a plunge into multi level marketing but ultimately lost 200 dollars.(6) Merry even once lost $ 10,000 when play money in the stock business. Merry started trying from the beginning to seriously study the ins and outs of the market. She had decided to pursue the financial planning industry.(7) Merry think that's the thing that will enable him to realize his dream in a relatively short time.
However, one reason that makes Merry unyielding was his young age and will single so he felt freer and more willing to take risks. Without feeling too overwhelmed by the possibility of failure or the need to succeed, Merry prefers to focus on the experiences and lessons that he could get during the early phases of his career.(8) Her worked 14 HOURS IN A DAY, standing near the MRT station and the bus stop to offer insurance, even he worked till midnight and come home at 2 in the morning, not to mention an uncertain income forced him back downsize to manage day-to-day needs.
Until finally he was successful as a Financial Consultant who sell financial products such as insurance and banking, kredit.deposito cards, savings, etc.. In the first six months of his career at Prudential, Merry managed to pay off his debts amounted to 40 thousand dollars in Singapore. He set up MRO (Merry Riana Organization). Together with his team at the MRO, Merry has a program to empower women and young children. A team at the institute even relatively young, aged 20-30 years.
In 2005, Her received the award in recognition of the Agency of The Year and Top Rookie Award Agency, until now marry has motivated and trained thousands of professionals and executives in the areas of sales, marketing and motivation.(9)
Merry Riana has a dream to provide positive impact of 1 million people in Asia, particularly in Indonesia. One of them by launching the book "Million Dollar Dream" is very inspiring and will be appointed to the big screen.
The book "Million Dollar Dream" itself has become a National Bestseller in just one month after its release. This book attracted public attention as Singapore and Southeast Asia to write about accomplishments Merry Riana generate S $ 1,000,000 at age 26 years.

1.      To Infinitive
2.      Gerund
3.      Past Perfect Tenses
4.      Gerund
5.      To Infinitive
6.      To Infinitive
7.      Past Perfect Tenses
8.      To Infinitive
9.      Present Perfect Tenses
Her : possesive pronoun


Bagaimana Cara Mempersiapkan Wawancara Kerja Baik Online Maupun Offline?

Nama               : Feby Anggun Nuralif Kelas                : 4EB07 Mata Kuliah    : Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia # ...